Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tempe, Arizona

Sorry It's taken me so long to update. I got home late Monday night and then had to babysit a two year old before going to work Tuesday. So needless to say I'm a bit tired. My trip to Arizona was so much fun. I've been traveling a lot without my parents and while I love them to death, it's nice to be able to do what you want--when you want. Like for instance, drinking and playing trivia until 2 in the morning. That was a fun night.
This is the drive to Arizona, but Phoenix pretty much looks like this as well, just with buildings. It's a desert.

This is me and my siblings in front of the stadium. 

Our view from the stands. It doesn't look like much but compared to a regular stadium game, this is as close as I've ever been to the diamond. It was closer in person, trust me.

The player up to bat is Albert Pujols. He is one of the greatest hitters of this generation--no joke. By the end of his career he'll be up there with Babe Ruth and Ted Williams. Glad he's on our team now. He hit a home run the first inning. It was amazing to watch. 
So overall my trip was great. Saw a great baseball game, watched the Hunger Games which was pretty good. I read the books a couple of weeks ago so obviously the movie wasn't as great but it still entertained me. I'm too lazy to post the video myself so head on over to Peachy Geek to see an interview with Jennifer Lawrence, the star of the movie. She is awesome. 
Also, my job interview went well. I was asked to do an assignment as a part of the next level of the interview. I turned it in, but have yet to hear back...hopefully I got the job. :)
Hope everyone has a good Wednesday!

1 comment:

Lady Whimsy said...

Good Luck on the job! I will be seeing the Hunger Games this weekend too :) My mom saw it and said it was good so I can't wait- she's my little movie

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